Sunday, September 15, 2013

Data Munging Kata in Ruby

Back in 2007, Dave Thomas posted a series of katas that continue to have an enduring appeal. The katas ranged from algorithm implementations to thinking exercises. This Data Munging kata had a particularly real world flare by focusing on data munging and algorithm reuse.

In short, the kata asks you to parse two data files and determine the minimum variance between two fields in each data set. The idea is to implement a solution for the first data set without reuse in mind. Next, implement a solution for the second data set and extract out the common, minimum variance algorithm between the two solutions. Nice!

I was pleased with my solution of passing in a data structure to my SpreadCalc class as well as the min_method and max_method the class could use to query the data structure to determine variance. This design would allow the class to be used on any data set that could respond to a method call and allow for the extension into all sorts of calculations related to minimums and maximums in a dataset.

class SpreadCalc
  def initialize(spread_data: spread_data, max_method: max_method, min_method: min_method)
    @spread_data = spread_data
    @max_method = max_method
    @min_method = min_method

  def minimum
    min_index = 0
    min_spread = calc_spread(spread_data[min_index])

    spread_data.each_with_index do |data, i|
      spread = calc_spread(data)
      if spread < min_spread
        min_index = i
        min_spread = spread


I was also able to extract out a common algorithm for parsing the data files even though they were in slightly different formats. Although not intentional, I was in the mindset of extracting common functionality and the duplication was quickly obvious. I suppose that's the point of the kata! You can find the full source for my implementation on Github.

Monday, September 2, 2013

FizzBuzz in Ruby

FizzBuzz is a common and simple exercise in implementing the Strategy pattern. A brief synopsis of the Kata is as follows:

Print the numbers one through 100.
If the number is divisible by 3, print FIZZ.
If the number is divisible by 5, print BUZZ.
If the number is divisible by both, print FIZZBUZZ.
Using Ruby, the algorithm for this is quite straight forward using conditionals:
(1..100).each do |i|
  if i%3==0 and i%5==0
    puts "FIZZBUZZ"
  elsif i%3==0
    puts "FIZZ"
  elsif i%5==0
    puts "BUZZ"
    puts i

The kata only becomes interesting when you add an additional requirement; don't use conditionals. And of course, test drive your implementation. You can see my implementation on GitHub. I implemented two classes for processing a digit: Fizz and Buzz. These processors responded to process and processable? and were injected into a FizzBuzzRunner class along with the range. Additionally a default processor PassThrough was injected to the runner, which would be applied if no other processor was applicable and shared the same interface as the other processors.

The runner would query applicable_processors, asking each if the digit was processable?. If no processor was applicable, it would use the default, PassThrough. After collecting the applicable_processors, the results_from each processor were collected into an array. This allowed my final algorithm algorithm to read like well written prose.

class FizzBuzzRunner

  def initialize(range: range, processors: processors, default_processor: default_processor)
    @range = range
    @processors = processors
    @default_processor = default_processor

  def as_string
    as_array.join(" ")

  def as_array
    range.collect { |i| results_from(applicable_processors(i), i) }