Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Inherit an Application by Rewriting the Test Suite

One of my first tasks at End Point was to inherit a production application from the lead developer who was no longer going to be involved. It was a fairly complex domain model and had passed through many developers' hands on a tight client budget. Adding to the challenge was the absence of any active development; it's difficult to "own" an application which you're not able to make changes to or work with users directly. Moreover, we had a short amount of time; the current developer was leaving in just 30 days. I needed to choose an effective strategy to understand and document the system on a budget.

Taking Responsibility

At the time I was reading Robert C. Martin's The Clean Coder, which makes a case for the importance of taking responsibility as a "Professional Software Developer". He defines responsibility for code in the broadest of terms.

Drawing from the Hippocratic oath may seem arrogant, but what better source is there? And, indeed, doesn't it make sense that the first responsibility, and first goal, of an aspiring professional is to use his or her powers for good?

From there he continues to expound in his declarative style about how to do no harm to the function and structure of the code. What struck me most about this was his conclusions about the necessity of testing. The only way to do no harm to function is know your code works as expected. The only way to know your code works is with automated tests. The only way to do no harm to structure is by "flexing it" regularly.

The fundamental assumption underlying all software projects is that software is easy to change. If you violate this assumption by creating inflexible structures, then you undercut the economic model that the entire industry is based on.

In short: You must be able to make changes without exorbitant costs.

The only way to prove that your software is easy to change is to make easy changes to it. Always check in a module cleaner than when you checked it out. Always make some random act of kindness to the code whenever you see it.

Why do most developers fear to make continuous changes to their code? They are afraid they'll break it! Why are they afraid to break it? Because they don't have tests.

It all comes back to the tests. If you have an automated suite of tests that covers virtually 100% of the code, and if that suite of tests can be executed quickly on a whim, then you simply will not be afraid to change the code.

Test Suite for the Triple Win

Fortunately, there was a fairly large test suite in place for the application, but as common with budget-constrained projects, the tests didn't track the code. There were hundreds of unit tests, but they weren't even executable at first. After just a few hours of cleaning out tests for classes which no longer existed, I found about half of the 500 unit tests passed. As I worked through repairing the tests, I was learning the business rules, classes, and domain of the application, all without touching "production" code (win). These tests were the documentation that future developers could use to understand the expected behavior of the system (double win). While rebuilding the tests, I got to document bugs, deprecation warnings, performance issues and general code quality issues (triple win).

By the end of my 30 day transition, I had 500+ passing unit tests that were more complete and flexible than before. Additionally, I added 100+ integration tests which allowed me to exercise the application at a higher level. Not only was I taking responsibility for the code, I was documenting important issues for the client and myself. This helps the client feel I had done my job transitioning responsibilities. This trust leaves the door open to further development, which means a better system over the long haul.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Profile Ruby with ruby-prof and KCachegrind

This week I was asked to isolate some serious performance problems in a Rails application. I went down quite a few paths to determine how to best isolate the issue. In this post I want to document what tools worked most quickly to help find offending code.


Before any work begins finding how to speed things up, we need to set a performance baseline so we can know if we are improving things, and by how much. This is done with Ruby's Benchmark class and some of Rail's Benchmark class.

The Rails guides would have you setup performance tests, but I found this cumbersome on this Rails 2.3.5 application I was dealing with. Initial attempts to set it up were unfruitful, taking time away from the task at hand. In my case, the process of setting up the test environment to reflect the production environment was prohibitively expensive, but if you can automate the benchmarks, do it. If not, use the logs to measure your performance, and keep track in a spreadsheet. Regardless of benchmarking manually or automatically, you'll want to keep some kind of log of the results keeping notes about what changed in each iteration.

Isolating the Problem

As always, start with your logs. In Rails, you get some basic performance information for free. Profiling code slows down runtime a lot. By reviewing the logs you can hopefully make a first cut at what needs to be profiled, reducing already long profile runs. For example, instead of having to profile an entire controller method, by reading the logs you might notice that it's just a particular partial which is rendering slowly.

Taking a baseline benchmark

Once you've got a sense of where the pain is, it's easy to get a benchmark for that slow code as a baseline.

module SlowModule
  def slow_method
    benchmark "SlowModule#slow_method" do
      #my slow code

Look to your log files to see results. If for some reason, you're outside your Rails enviornment, you can use Ruby's Benchmark class directly.

require 'benchmark'
result = Benchmark.ms do
  #slow code
puts result

This will tell you the process time in milliseconds and give you a precise measurement to compare against.

Profiling with ruby-prof

First, setup ruby-prof. Once installed, you can add these kinds of blocks around your code.

require 'ruby-prof'
module SlowModule
  def slow_method
    benchmark "SlowModule#slow_method" do
      # your slow code here
      results = RubyProf.end
    File.open "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/SlowModule#slow_method_#{Time.now}", 'w' do |file|

Keep in mind that profiling code will really slow things down. Make sure to collect your baseline both with profiling and without, to make sure you're doing apples-to-apples comparison.

By default ruby-prof measures process time, which is the time used by a process between any two moments. It is unaffected by other processes concurrently running on the system. You can review the ruby-prof README for other types of measurements including memory usage, object allocations and garbage collection time.

If you choose to measure any of these options, make sure your Ruby installation has the tools a profiler needs to collect data. Please see the Rails guides for guidance on compiling and patching Ruby.

Interpreting the Data with KCachegrind

At this point you should have a general sense of what code is slow having reviewed the logs. You've got a benchmark log setup with baseline measurements to compare to. If you're going to Benchmark while your profiling, make sure your baseline includes the profile code; it will be much slower! Remember we want an apples-to-apples comparison! You're ready to start profiling and identifying the root source of the performance problems.

After manually or automatically running your troubled code with the profiling block above, you can open up the output from ruby-prof and quickly find it not to be human friendly. Fortunately, KCachegrind turns that mess into something very useful. I found that my Ubuntu installation had a package for it already built, so installation was a breeze. Hopefully things are as easy for you. Next simply open your result files and start reviewing there results.

The image above shows what's called a "call graph" with the percentages representing the relative amount of time that method uses for the duration of the profile run. The CacheableTree#children method calls Array#collect and takes up more then 90% of the runtime. The subsequent child calls are relatively modest in proportion. It's clear we can't modify Array#collect so let's look at CacheableTree#children.

module CacheableTree
  def children(element = @root_element)
    full_set.collect { |node| if (node.parent_id == element.id)

Defined elsewhere, full_set is an array of Ruby objects. This is common performance optimization in Rails; collecting data looping through arrays works well with a small data set, but quickly becomes painful with a large one. It turned out in this case that full_set had 4200+ elements. Worse yet the children method was being called recusrively on each of them. Yikes!

At this point I had to decide how to optimize. I could go for broke and completely break the API and try and clean up the mess, or I could see if I could collect the data more quickly, some other way. I looked at how the full_set was defined and found I could modify that query to return a subset of elements rather easily.

module CacheableTree
  def children(element = @root_element)
    FormElement.find_by_sql(...) #the details aren't important

By collecting the data directly via a SQL call, I was able to cut my benchmark by about 20%. Not bad for a single line change! Let's see what the next profile told us.

The above is another view of the profile KCachegrind provides. It's essentially the same information, but in table format. There were a few indicators that my optimization was helpful:

  • The total process_time cost had dropped
  • The amount of time spent in each function seemed to better distributed - I didn't have a single method soaking up all the process time
  • Most of the time was spent in code wasn't mine!
Although, we still saw 66% of time spent in the children method, we could also see that 61% of the time was spent in ActiveRecord::Base. Effectively, I had pushed the 'slowness' down the stack, which tends to mean better performance. Of course, there were LOTS of database calls being made. Perhaps some caching could help reduce the number of calls being made.

module CacheableTree
  def children(element = @root_element)
    @children ||= {}
    @children[element] ||= FormElement.find_by_sql(...) #the details aren't important

This is called memoization and let's us reuse this expensive method's results within the page load. This method took another 10% off the clock against the baseline. Yay!

Knowing When to Stop

Performance optimization can be really fun, especially once all the infrastructure is in place. However, unless you have unlimited budget and time, you have to know when to stop. For a few lines of code changed, the client would see ~30% performance improvement. It was up to them to decide how much further to take it.

If allowed, my next step would be to make use of the applications existing dependence on redis, and add the Redis-Cacheable gem. It allows you to marshal Ruby objects in and out of a redis server. The application already makes extensive use of caching, and this page was no exception, but when the user modified the page in a way that expired the cache, we would hit this expensive method again, unnecessarily. Based on the call graph above, we could eliminate another ~66% of the call time, and perhaps, by pre-warming this cache, could help the user to minimize the chances of experiencing the pain of slow browsing!